Who is Wayne Capps?

Hey Friends!
   I'm going to answer the question on everyone's mind right now: 
Who is Wayne Capps, and why should I care what he thinks?

   I'll start by telling you this... I am not the best longboarder in the world, I don't compete in high level competitions, and I am not even the best longboarder I know. However, I was the founder and president of the UNC Longboarding Club, I have hosted 8 successful events, am an avid follower and participant in the longboarding world, and I want to help advance longboarding as a sport and as a community.

   I graduated from Carolina (UNC Chapel Hill) in 2011 and I loved every second of my undergrad career. I really want to be a teacher one day and am currently an educator at Morehead Planetarium and Science Center where getting kids stoked about science is my business... and business is booming. It sounds incredibly cliche, but there is nothing more rewarding than seeing that light bulb flash when a child understands a concept for the first time, and the cool thing about the planetarium is that learning about science takes place in a super fun environment.

  During my time at UNC I held of number of hobbies until I picked up longboarding. As a longtime surfer having moved away from the coast I was looking for an on-land alternative to surfing, so I'm sure you can see my draw to longboarding. I, of course, instantly fell in love with it and have been boarding every dry day since then. 

   When I started Longboard-Life way back in 2011 I never imagined how much it would grow. I didn't really have a goal in starting my blog but as readership went up I got more serious about it. As of now my only goal is to help longboarders everywhere make more informed decisions about some of the many, many products out there. I cannot thank all the companies that support me and Longboard-Life enough; they keep the dream alive!

If you ever have any questions about anything on Longboard-Life please feel free to ask me. Also don't be shy to leave some comments!!!

Me on my very first board